Stand up, position your feet, balance… now slowly raise your sail and turn it surely into both hands… Next, feel the ‘lift’ as wind catches the sail and your board glides easily across the water for the first time. Though challenging, Windsurfing is lots of fun!
Windsurfing is offered to older campers who are strong swimmers. Sailing experience is not required but an understanding of sailing theory can be helpful. Instruction is on a variety of boards with Sails of different sizes for campers at different skill levels. Windsurfers typically progress from early sessions at the beach where they learn about paddling their board by hand, standing balance, up-hauling the sail, waiting for the wind to turn the board and then setting sail. Once comfortable near shore the campers move out to deeper water where they learn and practice skills that control direction and speed such as steering, tacking, jibing and sailing a course in mild to eventually more moderate winds. Challenge may be added by increasing sail size and decreasing board size as campers master the basics.
Windsurf Staff are certified Lifeguards who have attended Windsurfing Instructor Training Clinics or have previous experience teaching the activity. Counselors work with the same small group of girls all season, allowing individual attention to skill progression. A motor boat always accompanies the class when campers are away from shore.