At Wawenock we don’t just limit the dramatics to the stage in the Ussher Lodge, sometimes we take it to the Units! Below is a description of how to create quick and entertaining performances by playing Paper Bag Theater! Though simple, this game can cause some good belly laughs. Players receive prompts for scenes that they then creatively perform, but with the caveat of having to incorporate some odd objects into their performance!
Materials Required: A bowl, slips of paper, 15-20 random household objects (see below for ideas), a pillowcase for each person or small group
How to Play Paper Bag Theater: Write different scenes down on small slips of paper (see below for our suggestions) and put them into a bowl. Place 4-5 of the random household objects into a pillowcase, these will become props for the actors. Each player, pair, or small group picks a slip of paper, randomly, to determine what they will be performing, and also is given one of the pillowcases filled with props. Those props must be incorporated into the performance. Then each player or group has 15-20 minutes to plan and rehearse their skit before they perform it for the rest of the group!
Scene Ideas:
- Going on vacation to Disney World
- Being in Maine in the winter
- Camping in a National Park
- Deserted on a tropical island
- Astronauts on a mission
- Archaeologists on a dig
- A Wawenock Banquet
- On a hike up a mountain
- A road trip to the Grand Canyon
- Actors choice – make up your own scene!
Household Items Ideas:
- A spoon
- Mittens or gloves
- A banana or other fruit
- A toothbrush
- Sunglasses
- A book
- Ice cube tray
- Lotion
- A pencil
- A balloon
- A face cloth
- A water glass
- Car keys
- Socks
- A clothes hanger
- TV Remote
- Spatula
- Wallet
- Salt or pepper
- Stuffed Animal
- Screwdriver
- A toothpick
- Bandaids
- Dustpan
- Batteries
- Peanut Butter
*Counselor Hack: If kids are working a group, they may argue in the process of creating their skit. You can set some ground rules in the beginning, such as: only one person talks at a time and you must incorporate an idea from every group member, etc. Remember that activities like this help teach children teamwork and cooperation, so it’s okay to let them work through it. Ultimately, they all want to have a great skit!
If you want to share your household’s skits – post a video of it and tag @campwawenock1910 on Instagram or tag Camp Wawenock’s Facebook Page and we’ll share it on our social media. Break a leg!