At Wawenock we encourage staff to have fun with their cabin groups by planning and organizing ways that their campers can connect with each other. One of the most fun and laugh-out-loud games we’ve played during cabin time in recent years is Pictionary Telephone! The game, as you may have guessed, is a combination of Pictionary and Telephone.
Materials Required: Paper and pencils or colored pencils
How to Play Pictionary Telephone: Each person needs a stack of papers equal to the number of players in the group (for a group of 5 people, each player needs 5 sheets of paper, or half-sheets of paper). Label the papers with page numbers. The first round is a writing round. Each player writes one sentence, about anything they’d like, on the first blank piece of paper (page #1). For example, Catriona writes, “The giraffe ate a big leaf.” After each player has written one sentence, they pass their whole stack of papers to the left. Each player then reads the sentence that was passed to them and attempts to draw a depiction of that sentence on the next blank piece of paper (page #2). In the example above, Kristy, who is sitting to the left of Catriona, would draw a giraffe eating a big leaf. After everyone is finished their drawing, they shuffle page #1 with the sentence to the back of the stack, making sure only page #2, the drawing, is on top. They then pass the whole stack to the left. Now Andy, who is to the left of Kristy, has to write a sentence, based off the drawing he sees, onto the next blank piece of paper (page #3). This is where things can get silly – because Kristy’s depiction of a giraffe eating a big leaf might not be quite as clear as she hoped, and Andy might see something completely different! Players continue this drawing, writing, and passing process until each player has their original stack back with them. After the papers have made their way around the circle, the group can enjoy the hilarity of viewing the papers to see how garbled the original sentences have become!
*Counselor Hack: Post these storyboards somewhere in your house so whenever you walk by you get a chuckle.
Good luck!